We trust in new ideas and state-of-the-art technology which the road to the future. We desire to travel this road hand in hand with our valued customers and our employees to seek and find prosperity for the Group and the country.

Boshudha Fisheries & Agro

Home Boshudha Fisheries & Agro
About Our Company

Welcome to Boshudha Fisheries & Agro Ltd.

The agro wing of the company established a modern dairy farm in Valuka, Maymanshing with a view to providing quality dairy products. Since its inception, the dairy unit has been producing and supplying quality milk. The project features a high land of 33 acres with indoor herd management facilities. Being a conscious and modern dairy farm, we highly maintain hygiene in all stages of production and distribution for ensuring safe and healthy dairy products.

Seeds and Feed Mill

Our other agro-based business units include seed business, feed mill, and a fish project. The agribusiness wing is experiencing gradual expansion due to our robust efforts in taking it to the next level.

Our mission

By developing an agricultural ecosystem that is both sustainable and self-sufficient, we aim to minimize damage to the environment, nurture the welfare of animals and grow natural products that are not only safe but also improve the lives of people who consume them.


Happy Customers


Winning Awards


Industries Served


Completed Projects

We care deeply for our environment

therefore, we continue what we started till this day by arranging campaigns promoting tree plantation.
Services and Experience

Why Choose Us

With the aspiration to do good for our community, our journey began with a small step being the distribution of trees to locals for free. This led to the envisioning of something bigger. In 2006, we began growing our own vegetables,  producing just enough to provide for friends and family.

Fruit trees

We produce a range of nature’s candies, some of which are – Mango, Jackfruit, Star Fruit, Coconut, Pomelo, Guava, Peach, Rose Apple and Orange.

Flower Plants

We have carefully selected an array of seasonal and year-round varieties of flowers such as – Kath Golap, Night Blooming Jasmine, Bird of Paradise, Chrysanthemum, Rose, Ixora, Bougainvillea and many more to allow everyone the opportunity of having a little hope and beauty in this endlessly industrializing world.

25+ Years Experience

Economical and environmental concerns of the nation and is committed to subsequently diversify into value added projects.
  • Natural
  • Fresh
  • Organic
  • Eco-friendly

Medicinal Plants

We have acquired many medicinal plants including – Neem, Tulsi, Nishinda, Bohera, Bashok, and so on.

Ornamental Plants

We feel that with so many benefits that plants provide human beings, Therefore, ranging from the delicate yet exquisite orchid that requires great nurture to the self-supporting cactus, we offer numerous plants, namely – Dracaena, Snake Plant, Spider Plant, Philodendron, Dieffenbachia, Peace Lily, Orchid, Cactus, Aquatic plants and more.
Questions and Answers

General FAQs

With determination to establish a self-sustaining agricultural ecosystem, the dairy section of our farm was established with the intention to produce fertilizer for our initial vegetable gardens.

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